Lab Manual For Disease of Field and Horticultural Crops

Short Description:-
In Stock
AuthorDr. Amritpal Mehta Dr. Bahaderjeet Singh
PublisherBhavya Books
Edition1st 2024
Publish Year2024
Total Pages200
Availablity In Stock
Rs 275.00Rs 248.00


• To Study the Collection and Preservation of Plant-Diseased Specimens • To Study the Signs and Symptoms Produced by Plant Pathogens • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination and Management of Rise Blast • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination and Management of Rise Brown Spot • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination and Management of Bacterial Leaf Blight of Rice • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Downy Mildew or Green Ear Disease of Bajra • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination and Management of Anthracnose of Sorghum • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Dry Root Rot/Charcoal Rot of Soybean • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Anthracnose of Black and Green Gram • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Black Root Rot of Tobacco • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Wilt of Guava • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Moko Disease of Banana • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Leaf Curl of Papaya • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Early Blight of Tomato • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Late Blight of Tomato • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Phomopsis Blight or Fruit Rot of Brinjal • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Wheat Rust and Stem Rust (Black Rust) • Study of the Life-Cycle of Wheat Rust • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, Life-Cycle and Management of Loose Smut of Wheat • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Karnal Bunt of Wheat • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Powdery Mildew of Wheat • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Red Rot of Sugarcane • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Ascochyta Blight of Chickpea • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of White Rust of Mustard • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Whip Smut of Sugarcane • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Wilt of Sugarcane • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Downy Mildew of Mustard • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Mango Malformation • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Citrus Canker
• Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Downy Mildew of Grapes • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Powdery Mildew of Grapes • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Scab of Apple • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Powdery Mildew of Apple • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Late Blight of Potato • Study of the Life-Cycle of Phytopthora infestans • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Early Blight of Potato • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Downy Mildew of Cucurbits • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Anthracnose, Fruit Rot and Die Back of Chili • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Black Spot of Rose • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Wilt of Chili • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Chili Leaf Curl Virus • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Purple Blotch of Onion • Symptomatology, Microscopic Examination, and Management of Stemphylium Blight of Onion • Important Terminology.

  • Author : Dr. Amritpal Mehta Dr. Bahaderjeet Singh
  • Publisher : Bhavya Books
  • Edition : 1st 2024
  • Publishing Year : 2024
  • Total Pages : 200

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Lab Manual For Disease of Field and Horticultural Crops


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