Artificial Intelligence (Code 417) Class IX

Short Description:-
In Stock
AuthorPreeti Saxena
PublisherS.K. Kataria & Sons
Edition4th 2024
Publish Year2020
Total Pages425
Availablity In Stock
Rs 595.00Rs 476.00


Part A: Employability Skills
• Communication Skills-I • Self Management Skills-I • Basic Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills-I • Entrepreneurial Skills-I • Green Skills-I. 
Part B: Subject Specific Skills
• AI Reflection, Project Cycle and Ethics • Data Literacy • Math for AI (Statistics & Probability) • Introduction to Generative AI • Introduction to Python.
• Previous Year Question Papers • Sample Question Paper for Term-1 • Multiple Choice Questions with Answers • Solved Sample Question Paper-I • Solved Sample Question Paper-II • Unsolved Sample Questions • Index.

  • Author : Preeti Saxena
  • Publisher : S.K. Kataria & Sons
  • Edition : 4th 2024
  • Publishing Year : 2020
  • Total Pages : 425

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Artificial Intelligence (Code 417) Class IX


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