Plant Propagation (Principles and Practices)

Short Description:-

International Edition

In Stock
AuthorDr. Ashok Yadav
PublisherBhavya Books
Edition1st 2024
Publish Year2024
Total Pages675
Availablity In Stock
Rs 9999.00Rs 8999.00


• History of Plant Propagation • Plant Propagation: Need and Potentialities, Sexual and Asexual Methods of Propagation and their Advantages and Disadvantages • Techniques of Plant Propagation Through Specialized Organs; Corms, Runner, Suckers etc. • Seed Dormancy: Causes (Internal and External Factors) and Methods of Breaking Dormancy • Apomixis, Polyembryony, Chimera and Bud Sports • Methods of Vegetative Propagation: Cutting and Layering Techniques • Physiological and Biochemical Basis of Rooting • Grafting Techniques of Vegetative Propagation • Budding Techniques of Vegetative Propagation • Factors Influencing Rooting of Cuttings and Layering • Graft Incompatibility: Anatomical, Studies of Graft/bud Union and Scion-Stock Relationship and Their Influences • Propagation Structures: Mist Chamber, Humidifier, Greenhouses, Glasshouses, Polyhouses, Cold Frames and Hot Beds • Use of Growth Regulators in Propagation • Rootstocks of Horticultural Crops and its Relationships • Biotechnology of Horticultural Crops • Nutrients for Tissue Culture/Micro-Propagation/Cell Culture • Stock Plant Physiological Factors Affecting Growth and Morphogenesis • Selection and Maintenance of Mother Trees, Collection of Scion Woodsticks, Bud-Wood Certification and Nursery Registration Act • Nursery Management of Horticultural Crops • Plant Growth and Development: Definitions, Components & Photosynthetic Productivity • Physiology of Seed Development and its Maturations • Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers for Horticultural Crops • Essential Plant Nutrients for Plant Growth • Plant Containers and Nursery Equipments • Propagating Materials for Seed Germination, Grafting and Air Layering • Plant Protection Chemicals and their Applications • Annexure I: Glossary of Plant Propagation • Annexure II: The Cgiar Centre • Annexure III: List of Specialized • Agencies of the United Nations • Annexure IV: Approved International Organizations • Annexure V: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) • Annexure VI: ACRONYMS • Annexure VII: Units of Measurement • Annexure VIII: Geometry Formulas.

  • Author : Dr. Ashok Yadav
  • Publisher : Bhavya Books
  • Edition : 1st 2024
  • Publishing Year : 2024
  • Total Pages : 675

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Plant Propagation (Principles and Practices)


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