Introduction to Microprocessors & Interfacing

Short Description:-
In Stock
AuthorAashutosh Gupta
PublisherS.K. Kataria & Sons
Edition2nd 2012
Publish Year2011
Total Pages400
Availablity In Stock
Rs 465.00Rs 419.00


Unit I : The 8085 Processor
• Introduction to Microprocessors • Microprocessor 8085
Unit II : The 8086 Microprocessor Architecture
• Microprocessor 8086
Unit III : Instruction Set of 8086
• Instruction set of Microprocessor 8086
Unit IV : Interfacing Device
• Interrupt Structure of 8086
Unit V : DMA
• DMA Controller 8237A
Unit VI : Interrupt and Timer
• Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259A • Programmable Interval Timer/Counter 8254 • Programmable Peripheral Interface 8255A • Interfacing with Applications • Programs for 8085 Microprocessor
• Appendices
• Examination Papers
• Index.

  • Author : Aashutosh Gupta
  • Publisher : S.K. Kataria & Sons
  • Edition : 2nd 2012
  • Reprint : 2023
  • Publishing Year : 2011
  • Total Pages : 400

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Introduction to Microprocessors & Interfacing


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