Wireless & Cellular Communication

Short Description:-
In Stock
AuthorDr. Sanjay Sharma
PublisherS.K. Kataria & Sons
Edition4th 2017
Publish Year2006
Total Pages775
Availablity In Stock
Rs 895.00Rs 806.00


Section-I: Introduction • Evolution of Wireless and Cellular Communications
Section-II: Wireless Channels and Modelling • Mobile Radio Propagation
Section-III: Cellular Theory • Cellular Concepts • Interference • Cell Coverage for Signal And Traffic • Cell Site and Mobile Antennas • Frequency Management and Channel Assignment • Handoffs and Dropped Calls
Section-IV: Transceivers and Signal Processing • Modulation Techniques and Channel Coding in Wireless Communication • Equilization and Diversity Techniques
Section-V: Multiple Access and Advanced Transceivers Schemes • Speech Coding and Multiple Access Techniques • Spread Spectrum Communications
Section-VI: Standardized Wireless Systems • Wireless Communication Systems • Second Generation (2G) Digital Wireless Systems: 2G Networks • 2.5G Mobile Data Networks • Third Generation (3G) Mobile Services • Wireless Local Loop (WLL)
Section-VII: Modern Wireless Technologies • Emerging Wireless Network Technologies • Abbreviations and Acronyms
• Appendices
• Model Question Papers

• Index.

  • Author : Dr. Sanjay Sharma
  • Publisher : S.K. Kataria & Sons
  • Edition : 4th 2017
  • Reprint : 2024
  • Publishing Year : 2006
  • Total Pages : 775

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Wireless & Cellular Communication


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